Quality Control

Most common concerns when buying from China, is the quality of produced products. Quality control is a key role to achieve production goals. Ordering Samples work as a Quality Benchmark: To ensure your quality standards are met, you need to have a produced sample sent from factory to you. This means that production quality should meet the approved samples you have received from the factory. Once your sample has been approved, Sindbad will follow up with the factory to ensure all standards are met during the production time.

Factory Visits

Visiting Factories and Speaking their language have a big influence on your import process. Our professional team will be able to assess the factory’s professionalism among other factors. Keep in mind that over-the-counter communication won’t give you this impression. Just as a supplier has a great website and the staff speak English perfectly – doesn’t mean they are competent manufacturers. Ultimately the factory needs to be questioned, shortlisted, audited on the ground and managed throughout production. Sindbad Sourcing Solutions will ensure that everything is put in place, and you deal with decision makers within the factory– not a powerless sales staff.

There is no substitute for having someone in China and on the ground, looking after your needs and interests. Factories do make mistakes. While we are looking after your business needs, you’ll not only save time but we will save you money by ensuring members are getting exactly what they ordered! We need to ensure that your supplier is legitimate. This involves checking their physical existence, business license and contacting operation with previous customers. The next step is to start assessing the pricing, lead times and quality control.